Cook&Chill Solutions
As specialists in ovens and refrigeration, Fagor Professional presents the perfect Cook & Chill solution, which combines ovens and blast chillers to optimise the work, performance, effectiveness and productivity of a professional kitchen.

Cook & Chill process
Ahorro de costes, optimización de recursos, seguridad y sanidad, y un producto sabroso recién hecho.
Es un ciclo adecuado para alimentos suaves, "lights" o finos y de pocos tamaño o volumen.
Es adecuado para productos de alta densidad o tamaño grueso, así como para preparar comida envasada.
Este ciclo cogela el alimento de forma muy homogénea, por lo que es adecuado para comidas que no deben sufrir saltos bruscos de temperatura o que están confeccionadas con distintos ingredientes.
Es el ciclo ideal para congelar comidas semi-acabadas o platos semipreparados, también es el adecuado para alimentos crudos.
Permite mantener stock de productos congelados durante mucho tiempo, para usarlo en el transcurso del año.
Our cook & chill solutions
The design and construction of the ATA range of compact blast chillers allows for integrated installation with ADVANCE generation ovens. This combined equipment facilitates ease of movement in the kitchen, reduced occupational risk, improved comfort for chefs and greater efficiency at work.

Designed to improve the life of the chef. The opening of the doors, the height of the components, etc. Every system detail has been designed with overall aim of ensuring safe and simple movements in the kitchen.
The control panel is designed in such a way that the functions which complement the Cook & Chill process are easy to use and don't require an instruction manual.
Its clean lines reflect the desire to create a system for integration into the kitchen.
In addition to our Cook & Chill equipment, we offer a full range of accessories perfectly adapted to both appliances.
All the Advance generation countertop ovens perfectly match up with the compact blast chillers from the ATA range forming a compact and highly effective Cook & Chill system with clean lines.